Today is a sick day in the house of The Kids. Everyone (including myself) is coughing up a lung, and exhausted, and it's storming to boot.
So today, Disney shall entertain. And the rest of us shall shoot cough medicine at the required intervals. First up is Little Mermaid, and as the kids sit enraptured watching the final battle between the sea witch and the sea-crossed lovers, I can't help but let my mind wander a bit. In this case, I imagined the story from an outsider's perspective, as one of the guests of Eric and Ursula's "wedding" recalls the events of the day.
Wedding Guest-
"I just got back from the Prince's wedding cruise. It was normal at first. Ya know, same old story. Then suddenly seagulls swooped in, flipping out, spraying crap, seals attacked, things got crazy... Then this one mute girl hopped up out of the water and started singing, the groom went to make a move on her, but she turned into a fish. Then the bride turned into an octopus, grabbed the mute-singing-fish-girl and jumped into the sea. Next thing I know, the octopus-lady-bride-thing is like a thousand feet tall, yelling about power all the way up until the prince stabbed her with a random ship. Then we had cake and went home."
I'd think that guest was high.