Sunday, May 15, 2011

Every Neighborhood Should Have One

So there's this guy...

He's pretty tough. Pretty protective. Enjoys "eventures" . And has been encouraged as of late to pick out his own outfits before walks.

Most of the time, he's known as Buddy.

Occasionally, he's known as Iron Man.

Iron Man on patrol.
After a lengthy walk around the neighborhood with our very own Iron Man one beautiful spring day, I am convinced that every walking group should have one. They are so useful. And iron-ish.

For instance, Iron Man will walk ahead of the caravan, scoping out potential threats before the defenseless citizens can be endangered...

So intimidating.

He will draw attention to any potential threats he spots coming down the sidewalk toward us, so that we citizens can remove ourselves from harm's way...


He will educate the citizens on local wildlife, and how best to remain safe from any undomesticated animals...

"The wild animals went that-a-way, citizens. Stay close!"
Iron Man will impress you with his muscles. And will use them to make sure nothing blocks the citizens' intended route...

"Stand aside, garbage receptacles!"

After all his hard work, he will occasionally request to ride in the Iron Mobile for the remainder of the walk, but will remain vigilantly watchful until all citizens are home safe...

But, being Iron Man is tough. And a big responsibility. So, once he was back in the privacy of his home, Tony Stark  Buddy changed out of his crime-fighting gear, had some lunch, relaxed, and later took a well-earned nap.

Because frankly, being a superhero can be exhausting.

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