Thursday, February 17, 2011

Speaking Toddlerese. Lesson One.

Watching toddlers who are still navigating the murky waters of speaking correct English can be cute, fun, sometimes frustrating (for both parties), and oftentimes ends with a small child's version of Catchphrase/charades.

Complete with the awkward gesturing, impatient jumping around, and over-the-top excitement when true communication is achieved.

The following Toddlerese words are ones which are used regularly by The Kids, and will be included in my forthcoming dictionary "How to Speak Toddlerese and Finally be Able to Decipher What the Heck They're Trying to Tell You".

Coming to a bookstore near you.

GUGACK- cupcake. Usually used to inform the caregiver that the child is feeling faint with lack of sugar and needs sweet sustenance poste haste.

GOOGEE- cookie. See above.

GIBAK- give back. Used in a variety of situations, such as when a sibling or caregiver has mistakenly taken something the child previously had, or when the child just wants it, period, regardless of who had it first.

MEW- milk. As in, give me some. Now.

MIMOW- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Usually used as an all-encompassing way to convey "the show you're watching sucks, dude. Change it immediately to one I like. Preferably one with an animated talking rodent. Kthanks."

NAK- snack. Please see the general definition of "mew".

HUH- hot. Used ceremoniously as a chant while a child dances at least 6 inches away from a cup of coffee or oven or hair straightener. Conveys that the child knows not to touch said object, and wants to be sure you remember as well.

Lesson one, complete.

1 comment:

  1. And it's sad, that as a mother I understood what most of those were without the definitions! Haha... Mimow is pretty good!
