Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines and Copyrights

For Valentine's Day, I had all these Hallmark-esque plans of sitting around the table with The Kids as they happily and neatly create the types of Valentine cards that parents tear up over.

As I gathered the art supplies from the far reaches of the house, I shared my plan excitedly with Buddy.

His response?

"Devyn. I'm not doing that. That's stupid. I won't make a Valentine. I think I'll just go to the store and buy stuff for Mom and Dad instead."

And with that, my Hallmark-esque vision crumbled into a pink and red glittery pile before my eyes.

No matter how much I talked about how fun it would be, and how much I bribed him (hey, this blog is a no-judgment zone) he refused.

Instead, I gathered everyone in the backyard so that the mess wouldn't be inside, and so that 2 of The Kids could frolic in the sunshine while I art-ed with 1 child at a time. Before I knew it, the twins were having their first true encounter with finger-painting (not 1 at a time), and were having a ball, while I was scurrying around trying (and failing) to keep everything fairly neat and organized.

The following is my conversation a few hours later with my darling New Yawkah. I love her.

"Man. I am so purple and exhausted."

"Tripped down stairs or marker fight with your nannees (my new made up word for the kids you nanny)?"

"Finger painting with twin 17-month-olds..."

"I was close! Pictures on blog?"

"Oh no no. If I had introduced a camera to the mix, the fit would have hit the shan."

"Not even to capture the aftermath? Haha, sounds fun though!"

"The aftermath was 2 nekkid (but colorful) babies, a dripping water hose, purple clothing scattered over the lawn, and a deep puddle of water on the back porch."

"That's the PERFECT opening line for a movie! Copyright that shiz!"

"I'm on it."

You heard it here first, folks!

Oh! And happy belated Valentine's Day!

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