Sunday, February 27, 2011

In the Absence of a Good Roommate

I am moving out on my own.


As in, this summer.

I had my fingers crossed for quite some time that a fun, yet trustworthy roommate would appear out of nowhere for me to get a place with. But sadly, the internet searches were quite frightening, and after graduation, you are no longer assigned a reliable roommate by a much-more-knowledgable-than-you-about-such-things university housing staff, and most of my dear friends are flung out across the map in search of the elusive job. So, it looks like my roommate will be.... me.

Geez I hope we can get along. ;)

At first, I was really pretty nervous about the thought of living on my own. But then I started thinking it through more carefully, and this is what I came up with:

1) Most women I've talked to who have lived on their own have told me it was an amazingly delicious part of life for them, not answering to anyone, having a space that was 100% their own, etc.

2) What if 20 years down the road when I'm married (God-willin') with kids (God-willin'), I regret not ever having had the experience of the total and utter self-reliance of living alone?

3) I can decorate it any which way I WANT TO!!!!! Wahahahaha!

4) It will be totally and utterly mine. If I want to come home and relax and have silence, I can. If I want to come home and be loud and turn on some music and what-have-you, I can (I know, I know..still have to respect the neighbors...). And. If I want to not come straight home from whatever I'm doing, just spend a day going wherever the wind takes me, I can! (Not that I can't do those things living at home right now, but I mean, c'mon, it's different, ya know??)

5) All the horror-movie scenarios I have in my mind of the things that COULD happen, in all honesty hardly ever happen outside of the silver screen. And if something scary does happen, I have tons of friends nearby, pepper spray, a pretty good right hook, a scream that can wake the dead, and my big-girl pants. And I'm from Texas, guys. Someone getting the better of me? Yeah. Right.

Here are the things I still need to gather for my big move:

-Pots and pans. Being the true Southern girl, I have my eyes set on these ones. In red or black, I think. Paula Deen is my people.
-Cooking utensils. Spatulas, knives, sauce spoons, etc.
-A kitchen table. I like the bar table style (the taller table that usually only has 2-4 chairs). But I love a good deal even more! So we'll see what ends up happening...
-A small desk.

Apart from those things, I don't think I'm missing much. Whether I'm truly not missing much or if I just uttered my famous last words remains to be seen. Stay tuned!

And any prayers or good thoughts sent my way in (hopefully!) getting the apartment I want would be incredibly appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. Just hit the garage sales!!! Honestly, I loved living on my own after college. You'll settle in, don't worry.

    Adorable blog. You have the most PERFECT job that will lend itself nicely to blog fodder! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

    And thank you so much for your encouragement. :)
