Saturday, August 14, 2010

Neighbor Kids and Steel

Today is a pretty lazy day. My niece (3) is here visiting with us, and so is my little sister (11) who comes over every other weekend. So, that means I am camped out in the office, and they are in the living room playing with puzzles and watching Alvin and the Chipmunks. Now, I can handle alot. But when the 4th cheesy kid movie in a row gets plugged into the DVD player, I have to excuse myself.

Once in the office, I flipped on the tv for some background noise and Diary of a Mad Black Woman was on. Just a few minutes later, the little neighbor boy, Shawn, came by to see if my sister could play today. I told him they are watching a movie right now, but he was more than welcome to watch the movie too. He immediately darted past me straight to the living room and couch. The kid knows our house layout, our beverage inventory, and basic schedule better than I do half the time. ;)

Barely five minutes later, Shawn wandered into the office where I was and stood three feet behind me (I didn't know he was there). Suddenly, he loudly exclaimed, "OH! Diary of a Mad Black Woman! I love this movie! Madea is awesome."

After I cleaned up the drink I had slopped down my front from the sudden and unexpected declaration, I said "Yeah. This is a pretty funny movie. I had to watch it when I was in college."

His eyes from that point forward never left the tv, and he responded, "I have the whole Madea series. I love the one where she goes to jail..." Then, in perfect timing with the scene on tv, he quoted along with Madea in perfect imitation as the on-screen character pulled a handgun out of her purse and stroked it, "Peace be still... Well, peace always comes with still, 'cuz I keeps me a piece 'a steel. Thank ya, Jesus."

He quoted the movie the rest of the time he was here, and said the characters' lines along with them.

Yeah. Wouldn't be so funny unless you take into account the fact that he's 9. And has the entire Madea series of movies down verbatim.

Man. Its really the little things that get me. ;)

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